Revealing…Advice for Waiting on the Lord!

What to do while you’re waiting on the Lord.

What is required of YOU while you wait? Visit site to read more...

I have a friend who once gave me some great advice:   

“nothing is required while you wait”. 

Think about it…. When you are waiting in line or waiting in a doctor’s office nothing is required except for you to wait. Now, you may not like it very well and it’s definitely not fun to wait. If you are an active person this can be a very difficult time. You can’t get up and do something else while you are supposed to be waiting. Okay Facebooking, Pinteresting, even blogging while you wait is not what I am talking about here! 

I mean… you can’t STOP waiting to do something else.

For instance, you can’t get out of line at the grocery store to do more shopping and keep your place in line. You can leave but it will only prolong the check out process.

Are YOU waiting on the Lord for something? Maybe something you have prayed about and you are waiting on the answer. Maybe you received a promise from the Lord through a prophetic word and it hasn’t come to pass. Maybe you are waiting on direction before you take the next step.

Rest in the fact that nothing is required while you wait. Just keep doing the last thing God told you to do. We can really mess things up if we get “out of line” with God’s plan. If you go off trying to do something else on your own you are going to prolong the process, your answer, and your promises.

So, even though now seems like such a stressful time, trust in the Lord that his timing is not our timing. He will not fail you and your answer will be Right On Time!

Do you need some encouragement today? Are you waiting on something that is just taking FOREVER?
➼Leave me a comment on how I can pray for you!