There is Only One Door

There is Only One Door - Jesus Christ

There is only one door to Heaven… and that is Jesus Christ.

He is the only way to Heaven – eternal life. You must Admit you have sinned. We have all done things we shouldn’t have. Believe Jesus died on the cross for you, rose from the grave, and is alive in Heaven. And Confess with all of your heart. Talk to God and tell Him you are sorry for the things you have done. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and life. You can be forgiven and your slate shall be wiped clean.

We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Through his grace and the gift of Jesus we can have eternal life and join Him in Heaven. It is a gift available to all people. Jesus paid the price for the sins you have committed so that you might receive. However, you have freedom of choice and you must take that step of your own free will. Salvation is not something that can for forced upon anyone. It is an absolute act of faith. You must believe in something you can not see but just as you can not see the wind, you can feel it. You can feel the tug at your heart and you can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit around you. It is your choice to Open the Door to Salvation.


Open the Door – Steps to Salvation:

  • Admit
  • Believe
  • Confess


Simple Prayer of Salvation:

Dear Lord,

Your Word says if I call upon you with my mouth and believe in my heart, that you raised Jesus from the dead, that I might be saved. So, I call upon you today and admit that I have sinned against you. I believe that Jesus died for my sins, was raised from the dead, and now sits at the right hand of the Father. I accept Him as my personal Lord and Savior and accept the gift of salvation. I am now saved, Jesus is my Lord. Thank you Father for forgiving me, saving me, and giving me eternal life in Heaven. Amen


Open the Door to Salvation: Admit, Believe, Confess

And everyone who calls
    on the name of the Lord will be saved; ~Joel 2:32

If this speaks to you today, I pray you give your heart to the Lord. I challenge you to get plugged into a local church and fellowship with others. Share your decision with someone who can help you stay accountable and will walk this walk with you. May God heal your heart and Bless the work of your hands!