First Day of Summer – Free Bucket List!

Well it is officially Summer!

I love the long evenings, swimming, cooking on the grill, setting by the fire pit, and everything thing else that comes along with Summer Time!

Yesterday, I was browsing on Pinterest and ran across a Summer Bucket List for kids. It is great and you can find it on my Family Fun board HERE. But, I wanted to create a list for those of you who may be empty nesters, or young couples, or anyone else who wants a list not necessarily “just for kids”. 

So, I put together an A-Z Grown-Up’s Summer Bucket List!
Several of these items are things my husband and I do and some are goals for this summer. A few may seem childish – but hey, we are all kids at heart right? And isn’t that what summer is for, to go back to your childhood days? 

I hope you enjoy your summer!

Click to download

Question for YOU!
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? (Now or when you where a child) Share in the comments!